@article(seppo h._eu_2014, title = {EU TEN-T MonaLisa ACTIVITIES IN THE BALTIC SEA}, journal = {The International Hydrographic Review}, volume = {12}, year = {2014}, url = {https://ihr.iho.int/articles/eu-ten-t-monalisa-activities-in-the-baltic-sea/}, author = {Seppo H. MAKINEN and Hans OIAS and Magnus Wallhagen and Ulf OLSSON}, abstract = { The wider benefit European Union Trans European Network - Transport (TEN-T) Motorways of the Sea (MoS) project MonaLisa (2010 – 2013) aims at contributing to the promotion of continuous improvement and the development of efficient, safe and environmentally sound maritime transport in the Baltic Sea. This is accomplished by the implementation of a series of measures which are also in line with the EU's Baltic Sea Region Strategy. This article concentrates on Activity 3 dealing with hydrographic re-surveys on shipping routes. Some future plans are also described. }, )