@article(andre a._bathymetric_2023, title = {Bathymetric data visualization – A review of current methods, practices and emerging interface opportunities}, journal = {The International Hydrographic Review}, volume = {29(2)}, pages = {150-163}, year = {2023}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.58440/ihr-29-2-a29}, url = {https://ihr.iho.int/articles/bathymetric-data-visualization-a-review-of-current-methods-practices-and-emerging-interface-opportunities/}, author = {Andre A. Araujo and Nicholas Hedley}, keywords = {bathymetric data, mixed reality, seafloor data visualization, virtual reality, visualization interfaces}, abstract = {Advances in 3D surveying and data processing, are encouraging the hydrographic community to consider the limitations of existing visualization methods, and the opportunities of emerging interface technologies to view bathymetric data. This paper aims to identify and document trends in the technologies and interfaces used for hydrographic visualization. First, it aims to summarize the platforms and methods currently used to visualize bathymetric data in the context of nautical cartographic production. Second, based on reported outcomes in the selected literatures, themes in the potential utility and implications of emerging tools and interfaces to improve bathymetric data visualization, are discussed.}, )