@article(gunter_release_2023, title = {Release note for the BSCD2000 height transformation grid}, journal = {The International Hydrographic Review}, volume = {29(2)}, pages = {194-199}, year = {2023}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.58440/ihr-29-2-n11}, url = {https://ihr.iho.int/articles/release-note-for-the-bscd2000-height-transformation-grid/}, author = {Gunter Liebsch and Joachim Schwabe and Sander Varbla and Jonas Ågren and Hergeir Teitsson and Artu Ellmann and René Forsberg and Gabriel Strykowski and Mirjam Bilker-Koivula and Ivars Liepiņš and Eimuntas Paršeliūnas and Kristian Keller and Olav Vestøl and Ove Omang and Jānis Kaminskis and Monika Wilde-Piórko and Krzysztof Pyrchla and Per-Anders Olsson and Christoph Förste and E. Sinem Ince and Jaroslaw Somla and Patrick Westfeld and Thomas Hammarklint}, )